contact: Bob Moricz
Eat! Bob Moricz Videofilms

2014, 25 minutes, color

To screen this movie for review purposes, please email the director at for a link to the online screener.

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Press Release

Born in 1973 on the California Peninsula, Bob was the weird kid who drew gory comics and tormented kids with insects and other gross things. Discovering the magic of movies happened early and he was soon shooting his own backyard epics with the help of his father.

Over the years as moviemaking became more accessible to the public, he adapted somewhat but stuck to no-fi personal filmmaking techniques and technologies. He has no urge or desire to shoot in 4k. His images can be grimy as if haunted by spectral fingerprints from the ghosts of cinema past and future.

In 2006 he moved from Sacramento to Portland, Oregon, where he was seduced by the art world, participating in a full and vibrant arts scene before the Blob of gentrification changed the demographics of the city. After years of unemployment, the town had spit him out. He came back to Sacramento with his beloved partner and two kids in 2014.

Today, Bob continues making short movies, features, videos, and music videos, and playing in his band Witch Mask in Sacramento, CA. Every now and then he puts on an underground movie screening. On the streets you will find him with a tiny camera pointed at people doing crazy things.
Mommy Wanted The Monster